Rainy dreary day calls for this #magicalbooks tag the lovely @a_bit_bookish tagg…

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Rainy dreary day calls for this #magicalbooks tag the lovely @a_bit_bookish tagged me in. In the Pathfinder game I play I’m a half-elf witch with a mini-stegosaurus familiar. I get to use a spell called Glitterdust and it’s pretty much the best the rest of my spells are pretty gross but effective (example: Vomit Swarm). Mal & Collie (short for Colorado because it’s their state dinosaur some states have state dinosaurs!) aren’t the most creative names I’ve ever come up with but they seem to work for our silly fun group. The #Pratchett book seemed like a good choice and matched the color scheme too. P.S. I did a magical post with no HP who’s proud of me? #doubledoubletoilandtrouble #witchy #stegosaurus #pathfinder #glitterdust #kindlefire #spells #maleficent #funkopop by leftforread

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